Wed.~Sun. open 11:00~19:00
Mon. Tue. closed 定休日
2/24 (月) 特別営業
The "kimono" culture that Japan proudly shares with the world represents a beautiful tradition in which the value of the creators is understood by those who wear them.
In this culture, the words "designer" and "technician" are both included in the word "craftsman."
In contrast, in the world of "fashion," designers are at the top of the pyramid, while craftsmen are merely consumed to realize the designer's vision. Modern luxury, as defined by fashion, is based on the status of inequality.
This principle is based on the historical and cultural background of Europe, which is the center of the fashion world.
However, Japan still has an abundance of exquisite craftsmanship. We want to bring this spirit to the forefront and let it shine.
To achieve this, shouldn't we create a new form of fashion that puts craftspeople first, rather than forcing them into the designer-centered rules of the current fashion world?
It should be "design for craftsmanship, not craftsmanship for design".
To understand "craftsmanship" is to appreciate the richness of the relationship between those who make clothes and those who wear them, at a time when human relationships have become increasingly thin. This is the spiritual next generation of luxury.
MIZEN is a project that brings together those who share this philosophy.
customize your unique piece
*At Mizen Aoyama store, you can see all our items to make a custom order.